3 ways to improve your diet without going on a diet

When most people think of improving their nutrition, they automatically think they need to go on a diet – or at least change their diet in a drastic way.

There are actually so many ways that you can improve your diet WITHOUT actually changing what you are eating very much. My preferred word for this is… tweaking!

When you ‘tweak’ rather than make big changes, it is often a). more effective and b). more sustainable.

So let’s look at 3 simple ways you can tweak your nutrition to help make improvements to your diet overall.

Number 1: Make a plan… please make a plan!

I can’t stress how much this can help with your food intake. You may already be eating really well but if you’re tired, running late or have had a stressful day and you haven’t planned, things go out the window. Does this sound familiar?

Just having a rough plan for your meals for the week (and making sure you shop to your list) can have a huge impact on your nutrition intake overall.

Number 2: Add more veges into your day.

We know that the majority of people in Australia do not eat enough fruit and vegetables (only around 7% of people do!).

We also know that vegetables in particular are amazing for our health! They can reduce our risk of disease, improve our gut health and have also been shown to improve out mental health as well. People are spending all their time and money looking for the ‘magic pill’ for health and it is literally right there in front of us.

Number 3: Limit (but don’t eliminate) intake of your trigger foods.

These are the foods that you love but you feel you include a little too much of in your diet. Perhaps you feel a little out of control even? Common ones might include chocolate, soft drink, lollies, chips etc

Work to reduce your intake of these foods while still allowing yourself to enjoy them when you really feel like them. Move your focus to ‘improvement’, rather than ‘perfection’ with these foods and you will notice they will start to become less of an issue for you.

So there you have it… 3 really simple ways that you can make really effective changes to your nutrition without completely changing what you eat (and avoiding the cost that goes along with that!).

If you’re all about improving your nutrition in a simple and sustainable way (we’re definitely on the same page), you might like to check out our Signature Nutrition and Lifestyle Program.